Forensic Science BLOG – Forensic Odontology
Excellent site as entry point into an explanation with illustrations.
What does an odontologist do?
An odontologist is a licensed dentist who specializes in forensic dentistry.
Forensic Odontology
The Thin Blue Line [NSW Police]. Concise local information.
Forensic Dentistry
Forensic Dentistry is the area of forensic medicine concerned with the examination of teeth, especially in the cases of victims who cannot be identified by conventional means or when an attacker bites a victim and leaves bite marks behind.
Article from
Forensic dentistry The proper handling, examination and evaluation of dental evidence, which will be then presented in the interest of justice. The evidence that may be derived from teeth, is the age (in children) and identification of the person to whom the teeth belong. This is done using dental records including radiographs, ante-mortem (prior to death) and post-mortem photographs and DNA. Wikipedia article - check accuracy of information against verified source.
Forensic odontology
The application of dental principles to legal issues. Powerpoint presentation
ASFO : Forensic odontoogy
Essential reading and a great starting place for anyone setting out in the field of odontology
Forensic dentistry
Forensic dentistry, also known as forensic odontology, is a way of identifying people by their teeth. Forensic dentistry encompasses bite.. If Ted Bundy hadn't been a biter, it's possible he never would have been convicted of his crimes. From
This page outlines the main issues, processes and challenges of bitemark analysis
Forensic Odontology: Dr Richard Bassed from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.