The following boxes contain links to websites organized by the Dewey Decimal system. Click on tabs to change pages.
000 Computers, Awards and Generalities
Webopedia Online dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet technology - constantly updated.
Cyber Security Tips Learn how to improve your online security.
Evalutating Web Sites Cornell University
WayBack Machine Archived old webpages from 1996.
ZDNet The latest news, a software library, an alphabetical listing of computer companies and their products, product guides, a buying advisor, and games.
Nobel Prize Organization This year's Nobel Prize winners, links to related sites, and a searchable database of past laureates. See the calendar for any year and any country, check time zones, and view upcoming holiday and event dates around the world.
The Old Farmer's Almanac Weather forecasts.
010 Bibliography
020 Libraries and Library Materials
ALA Awards Book, Print and Media awards.
The Library of Congress
The Center for the Book
State Library of North Carolina Digital Collections.
030 Generalities Quick factual answers. Search contents of standard reference sources. Has more than 100 trusted sources, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses.
Guinness World Records
Infoplease Online almanac.
ipl2 Links to useful and reliable online reference sources.
Wikipedia Online encyclopedia, updated by people who read it.
040 (unused)
050 Magazines
060 Museums
Art and Museums Online
Cape Fear Museum
Library of Congress Exhibitions Worldwide Guide to Museums Online
070 Journalism Links to newspapers in U.S and the world.
Google News
Newseum Today's Front Pages : 894 pages from 88 countries.
080 Miscellaneous
090 Rare Books, Banned Books
Banned Books Online
ALA American Library Association Banned and Challenged Books
100 Philosophy-Psychology
100 Theory
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
110 Metaphysics
120 Epistomology
130 Paranormal Phenomena
The Astrology Zone Horoscopes.
140 Philosophical Schools
150 Psychology
PsychCentral Listing of newsgroups, mailing lists, and web pages that promote good mental health.
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Information about psychiatric disorders affecting children and teens.
160 Logic
170 Ethics Information on animal rights and organizations.
Ethics on the WorldWide Web This site covers such topics as ethics in business, law, medicine, sports, the environment, the media, the military, science, and government.
180 Ancient, Oriental Philosophy
190 Modern Philosophy
200 Religion
200 General Religion This is a good source for religion statistics - covers over 4,000 sects, and is searchable by religion or location.
Virtual Religion Index The Rutgers University Religion Dept. has a highly recommended site with links to all the major religions and to religious topics of all kinds.
220 Bible
Bible Gateway Includes a searchable Bible dictionary, concordance, and phrase-finder.
280 Christian Denominations
Orthodox Church in America Learn about the Orthodox faith, includes the Greek, Russian, Syrian, Serbian, and Romanian Orthodox Churches.
New Advent Catholic Website Links to catechisms, encyclicals, the complete 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia, Catholic media sites, and many other sources.
290 Other Religions
Encyclopedia Mythica World mythologies.
The Hindu Universe Resource Center Arts, customs, temples, worship, scriptures, and other religious and secular aspects of Hindu life.
Judaism and Jewish Resources
Navigating the Bible II This site will expand your knowledge of Torah, the Jewish Bible.
300 Social Sciences
300 Sociology
310 Statistics
U. S. Census Bureau
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Sperling's Best Places (to live, work, raise children and retire)
North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics
320 Political Science United States Legislative information.
Political Parties List of links to political parties around the world.
The Democratic National Committee Republican National Committee
Project VoteSmart Information on political issues, campaigns, and candidates. Information from the Federal Election Commission about campaign contributions to Congress, the political parties, and the presidential campaigns.
330 Economics, Finance, Jobs
The Riley Guide: Employment Opportunities and Job Resources
Exploring Career Information : What Do You Like? Check out careers if you like math, nature, fixing things, reading, helping people. (BLS)
Occupational Outlook Handbook (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
JobStar : Guides for Specific Careers Packed with information about planning your career : wages, work environment, training or education.
CareerOneStop Explore careers and job search tools. (U.S. Dept. of Labor) Source for up-to-date information on rates for mortgages, home equity and auto loans, credit cards, savings, checking accounts, and ATM fees.
Treasury Direct Basic information on and/or buy U.S. savings bonds, Treasury bills, notes, or bonds. The Universal Currency Converter
Yahoo Finance (Stock Quotes)
Federal and State Tax Forms
Consumer Price Indexes
340 Law
Everyday Law for Everyday People
American Civil Liberties Union
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Passport Services and Information
U.S. Copyright Office
Landmark Cases of the U.S.Supreme Court Resources for Entreprenuers Business start-up guides for cities in North Carolina.
Thrive in North Carolina Start-up resources for new businesses in NC.
350 Government
United Nations
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Embassy World
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet Information on the U.S. Congress - current bills, the Congressional Record, e-mail addresses, and the full text of the Constitution.
(The US Congress)Votes Database View the individual votes of any member of Congress on any legislation since 1991.
Biographical Directory of the US Congress Find biographies of members of Congress who served from 1774 up to the present.
U.S. House of Representatives Links to Web sites for Representatives, House committees and organizations.
U.S. Senate A directory of United States Senators and Senate committees with links to the Senators' Web pages.
State and Local Government On the Net
State Statutes Links to full text of state statutes, constitutions and other legislative resources. (Cornell University)
North Carolina State and Local Government
National Association of Counties
Taps Bugler Links to the history of Taps and the use of the bugle by the military.
MilitaryTimes View the Guide to Military Installations in the U.S.; a Library section with images of aircrafts, ships, and tanks; clip art and sound files; Search for People section; news summaries, and more.
Selective Service System
360 Social Service
Disabilities Resources on the Internet This comprehensive online resource for disability information has links, articles, and information on specific disabilities and related local agencies and organizations.
Veterans Benefits and Services Complete information here for veterans.
Identity Theft Resource Center Provides consumer and victim support for issues involving identity theft.
Social Security Online Social Security Handbook, Social Security laws and regulations, Medicare and disability benefits, personal earnings and benefits estimate request forms, information on employer wage reporting, plus special pages for kids, teens, parents, and teachers.
Medicare U.S. Government site on Medicare covers eligibility, enrollment, and managed care, with online publications. Information on private and public adoption agencies, conferences, and other resources for birth parents, adoptees and adoptive parents. Learn how to prepare for security threats to U.S. citizens with information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
370 Education
National Home Education Network A comprehensive site for links supporting all aspects of homeschooling.
IIE Passport The Institute of International Education-study abroad program.
ERIC Information on teaching and teacher education, including free access to the full ERIC citation database of articles and reports on education from 1966 to the present.
College Board Online SAT test dates and sample questions and a College Search feature.
Peterson's College Search
GoCollege Search for colleges by your intended major, by location, and by tuition cost.
College and University Rankings A collection of links to rankings for undergraduate, graduate, research, business, law, and international schools.
FAFSA On The Web Fill out and send in a Free Application for Federal Financial Aid.
College Prep 101 What to expect once you get to college
ACT : A Student Site for ACT Test Takers Test dates, registration, FAQs, scores, test prep and student blog.
ACT Online Practice Test Questions Includes 5 sets of questions for English and Math, 4 sets for Reading and 7 sets for Science. Also includes a sample writing prompt and possible responses.
Preparing For The ACT Download a free 80 page booklet with full-length practice tests including a writing test, strategies for taking the test and what to expect on test day.
The ACT Reading Test From Kaplan. Includes a short video explaining this section of the test and a 35 minute - 40 question online practice test and test strategies. (You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the quiz).
The ACT Science Test From Kaplan. Includes a short video explaining this section of the test and a 35 minute - 40 question online practice test and test strategies. (You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the quiz).
The ACT Math Test From Kaplan. Includes a short video explaining this section of the test and a 60 minute - 60 question online practice test and test strategies. (You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the quiz).
The ACT English Test From Kaplan. Includes a short video explaining this section of the test and a 45 minute - 75 question online practice test and test strategies. (You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the quiz).
The ACT Writing Test From Kaplan. Explanation of the writing portion of the test and includes a short video on preparing a response to your writing prompt in a timely manner.
Kaplan ACT Quiz Bank Sign-up for a free account to a database of questions and create your own quizzes to meet your needs, you will also get instant analysis of your results with correct answers and explanations.
Test Prep Review Free online practice tests for ACT, Accuplacer, ASVAB, PSAT, SAT and many others. For each test there are many self-assessment modules accompanied by the answers at the end of each module.
Kaplan SAT Quiz Bank Sign-up for a free account to a database of over 1000 questions and create your own quizzes to meet your needs, you will also get instant analysis of your results with correct answers and explanations.
380 Communication, Transportation
Chamber of Commerce Contact information for city, state, and U.S. chambers of commerce, as well as convention and visitors' bureaus, state boards of tourism.
USPS Zip Code Lookup
Zipcodes and Postal Codes of the World
National Traffic and Road Closure Information
Online Amtrak Schedules Includes the history of the national passenger rail service and ticket information.
Greyhound Lines, Inc. Routes and schedules.
390 Customs
Earth Calendar Dates for holidays and celebrations around the world.
Costumer's Manifesto Links to illustrations of costumes from Ancient Babylon through the late 20th century.
Elizabethan Costuming Page 16th century Elizabethan and Tudor costumes, dress and fashion.
Regency Fashion Page Fashion of the Regency period during the early 19th century.
The Costume Gallery Comprehensive costume history website covering different eras and regions in the world.
Fashion Era Fashion history from the 1800s to the present day. Also includes the history of jewelry, perfumes, and cosmetics.
1920s Flapper Fashion History
NativeTech: leather and clothing Contains information about Native American history, clothing, and accessories.
Costumes of the Levant Provides an overview with photographs of historical Lebanese, Syrian, Bedouin and Kurdish clothing.
A History of Kimono
Emily Post Institute Etiquette and manners.
USA Bride Information on weddings: ceremony, gifts, wedding songs and traditions, planning a honeymoon. A guide to business etiquette and culture around the world.
Day of the Dead in Mexico Photography, recipes, traditions, poems.
Dia de los Muertos History, events, food, videos, slideshows, teacher and student links.
Holidays and Observances Around the World
Bizarre, Wacky and Unique Holidays
Federal Holidays
Fairy Tales : Reading and Research
Folklore and Mythology Electonic Texts Folk tales from around the world on this site, including Aesop's Fables, stories by Hans Christian Andersen, creation myths, Grimms' Fairy Tales, ethnic folk tales, and much more!
Urban Legends Reference Page
400 Languages
500 Natural Sciences
500 Philosophy and Theory
Ask The Experts Scientific American
510 Math Mathematical resource in English and Spanish, with theorems, identities, tables, graphs and formulas. Online Calculators Basic and scientific calculators.
GCalc : Free Online Graphing Calculator
520 Astronomy This site offers astronomy news, sky events, weather information for stargazing, astronomy equipment guides, and related links.
Space Calendar NASA
Moon Phase Calendar
North American Skies Monthly sky charts posted in Mountain time.
The World Clock Current time at locations all over the world.
Rader's Information on the universe, galaxies, stars, solar system, and exploration.
530 Physics
Online Conversions Different unit converters are organized here by type: temperature, length, cooking, volume, speed, power, etc.
How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurements
Rader's Information on motion, heat and thermodynamics, electricity & magnetism, light, and modern physics topics.
Sixty Symbols Videos about the symbols used in physics and astronomy.
Conserve the Sound: Sound Museum : sounds from everyday objects
540 Chemistry
General Chemistry Online Resources and guides for students, including tutorials and quizzes.
Chemicool Gives you everything you've ever wanted to know about the elements, uses a periodic table.
Chemical An interactive Periodic Table of Elements
Chemistry Virtual Textbook Contains a first semester(beginner) and second semester(advanced) general chemistry textbook. Also has student and teacher links.
Rader's Information on matter, atoms, elements, the periodic table, reactions, and biochemistry.
The Periodic Table of Videos Short videos on elements, molecules and chemistry around the world. (University of Nottingham)
550 Earth Sciences
Volcano World Has links to volcano activity throughout the world.
Earthquake Hazards Program From the U.S. Geological Survey.
UMWeather A comprehensive source of weather information.
Weather Safety NOAA Links to safety procedures and precautions.
Cloud Boutique Learn to identify the different types of clouds with descriptions and photos.
U.S. Geological Survey General information and educational resources in geology, mapping, and water resources.
Rader's Introduction to the earth sciences that includes topics on the Earth's structure and energy, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
560 Paleontology
Dino Directory Natural History Museum.
570 Biology
Encyclopedia of Life Information on every species - animal and plant. Contains written information, images, podcasts and video. Online field guides from the National Audubon Society.
Biology Online Includes articles, dictionary and tutorials about biology.
NCBI Taxonomy Browser Complete scientific classification of any biological species by its common name or scientific name.
Rader's Information on cell structure, cell function, scientific studies, plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, and other life science topics.
580 Plants
Plants Database USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Botany: Plant parts and functions Illustrated guide to basic botany for students.
590 Animals
Map of Life Information and locations for species around the world.(University of Colorado & Yale University)
Endangered Species American and international lists.
Butterflies and Moths of North America Covers areas of the U.S., northern Mexico, and Canada.
All About Birds Provided by Cornell University.
Bird Checklists of the United States Designed to help birdwatchers across the country.
Animal Omnibus Collection of links for animals under eight major animal groups, including dinosaurs.
North Carolina Zoo
600 Applied Sciences
700 The Arts
800 Literature
900 Geography-History