The Ashley High Library Media Center provides curriculum support, research guidance, and enrichment through literature appreciation and other learning experiences to the students, faculty, staff and patrons of the school community.
The Center fosters a positive environment that encourages students to be independent learners through the use of organized, accessible resources and life-long readers through the availability of a current selection of fiction and non-fiction materials.
We can accommodate 3 classes along with individual students in the library at the same time. Teachers should schedule their classes ahead of time with the librarian, so that their visit will be successful.
2 Mobile Laptop Labs (30 each)
Desktop Computers (18)
Tables with Outlets available for personal computers
Computer Use
Students may use any of the available desktop computers in the media center or set up their own devices on the open tables. Students may also check out laptops from the circulation desk for use in the media center when available.
The District Acceptable Use Policy addresses use of computers and other electronic equipment at school including the library. Students are expected to follow these rules set forth by the district.
Laptops & Hotspots
Are available for two-week checkout if students return a signed parent permission form. See the Student Resources page for more information.
Students need to bring their IDs with them to the Media Center when they want to check out books.
3 books at a time may be checked out for a period of two weeks.
Books may be renewed as often as needed, unless there is a waiting line for the books, in that case only one renewal is allowed.
If books are returned late, the student will be charged .10 per day per book. Fines may accumulate up to 10.00 per book.
eBooks and Online resources are available 24/7.
At times, selected books are put on reserve at the request of classroom teachers. These books must be used in the Media Center. Reference books also may only be used in the Media Center and are not available for checkout.
Printing is available in the media center. All students have their own printer code to use and a specific number of copies allowed. Check with your teacher or a librarian for more information.
For $2.00 you can have a 20x24 inch poster made. Make one for yourself, a friend or for a classroom assignment.
Students who want to use the Media Center may do so before and after school or during their lunch period.
Teachers may send up to four students at a time from their classrooms to do research or checkout a book.
A pass from a classroom teacher or librarian is necessary only during the actual school day 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. This also includes lunchtime.
During the school day, students will also need to sign in at the front desk when entering.
Substitutes are not allowed to sign passes to the library.
In order to use most of the databases and ebook collections you will need to use special logins and passwords. All students were given a list of logins at the beginning of the year. Please contact the librarian if you have questions. Login information sheets are located on the circulation desk.
When you come to the Media Center, please remember not to bring food, if you have a snack eat it before you enter the media center. No drinks should be opened near computers or when you are using books.