Literary Analysis is "the mainly interpretive (versus evaluative) work written by readers of literary texts, especially professional ones (who are thus known as literary critics).
It is "criticism" not because it is negative or corrective but rather because those who write criticism ask probing, analytical, "critical" questions about the works they read".
For more information see: LitWeb: The Norton Introduction to Literature: Writing About Literature.
An example of literary analysis.
"Emily Dickinson's There Came a Wind Like a Bugle" (click on PDF full text to view article)
Day-Lindsey, Lisa. "Emily Dickinson's THERE CAME A WIND LIKE A BUGLE." Explicator 68.1 (2009): 29-32. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.
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If an author's last name is common, include both the first and last name in your search (e.g., Stephen King).
If you are doing historical literary criticism, include - the time period in which the novel, short story or poem takes place,the setting, or the word "history" or "historical."