Ballotpedia : The Encyclopedia of American Politics
Ballotpedia is the online encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government.
North Carolina elections portal for 2016. Scroll down for information about what's on the ballot, election dates, voting, and more.
Quinnipiac University Poll Surveys residents in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and nationwide about political races, state and national elections, and issues of public concern.
Pew Research It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.
RealClearPolitics Aggregates polling data and calculates an average.
Gallup Conducts regular public opinion polls.
FiveThirtyEight Makes electoral college projections based on poll results aggregated from HuffPost Pollster, RealClearPolitics, polling firms and news reports.
HuffPost Pollster Tracks thousands of public polls to give you the latest data on elections, political opinions and more.
Commission on Presidential Debates Includes present and historical debate information and transcripts. Also provides educational materials.
Presidential Elections (History Central)
The Presidents (White House biographies also includes Vice-Presidents and First Ladies)
Look for information on the election process, political parties, campaign finance, electoral college, voting rights and more in the following databases.
Democrat Party (est. 1888) Official Website
Republican Party (est. 1854) Official Website
Libertarian Party (est. 1971) Official Website
Green Party (est. 2001) Official Website
FAQs, About the Electors, 2016 Election, Historical Results and more.
Created in 1975, the duties of the FEC, which is an independent regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections.
U.S. Senate Elections Contains historical information on senate elections from the time they were elected by popular vote. This is also where you can find information on Senators from the past to the present. (US Government)
House of Representatives Election Information Provides information the the House of respresentative elections. Here you may see who is your representative, their political party, voting record, and who is up for reelection. (US Government)